From 6 to 13 yearsLanguage courses for children

Children-specific activities!

Learning language and playing

Children’s courses by direct method means focus on answering questions and conversations in a foreign language only!
Learning is complemented by reading, drawing, engaging games and language play. Such dynamic and attractive activities allow even the most busy little ones to be focused on!

Learning a foreign language in our school is a pleasure for children, so they are keen to return to school and acquire new words and opinions.

‘To get the group right for your child, ask them to solve a simple test.

for answering questions and conversations in foreign language only
with carefully organized and tailor-made content that enables rapid progress in science
approaching children after training in material selection and play

Select from 9 languages

flaga (1)
flaga (2)
flaga (3)
flaga (5)
flaga (4)
flaga (6)
flaga (7)
flaga (9)

Questions? Ready to sign up?Write to us!

    Przepisz kod z obrazka: captcha
    ul. Królowej Jadwigi 18, 85-231 Bydgoszcz
    +48 732 242 007
    Monday - Friday 8:00 - 20:00
    Linguapro © 2025 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone Development: